Most Secure Place!
While scientific knowledge is indispensable in contemporary times, spirituality is just as essential to realize the absolute potential of human capabilities.
Why Sarvanaman?
Sarvanaman Vidya Mandir is a school designed to meet this rising need by combining modern education system with the timeless philosophy of spirituality.
We are Gujarat, India based Residential School for Girls
The 20th century witnessed marathon advances in the fields of science and technology, enriching the world with comforts and conveniences never heard before.
View moreBooks & Library
The school library houses scores of books that complement the course studies of the school curriculum...
The school follows the national curriculum prescribed by the CBSE…
Experience Teachers
A well-qualified and competent staff screened through strict norms of SVM...
Sarvanaman Vidya Mandir aims to nurture the soul along with educating the mind...